Anonymous (Early Head Start - New Opportunities)
My success story is about a young mom I started working with this year. She has 2 children, and very little work experience. She also never completed high school. When I asked her what her goals were, she told me that she wanted to #1, get her GED, and #2, get a job, so she could help provide for her family. I asked this mom what kind of work she liked to do, or what kind of job she was looking for, and she told me that she liked working with kids. I suggested to her, that she give the school her name, because there is a daycare facility AT the school, and I wasn't sure if they would be looking for help or not, but at least, if they were, they would have her information. Mom told me she would check into it, and one month later, this mom was employed by the school, as a employee in their daycare center.
This young mom LOVES her job at the daycare!! She says that it allows her to work with children, and the part that she loves the BEST, is that she gets to take her 18 month old baby to work with her, every day.
Just today, I visited with this young mom, and she told me that she is now pursuing her GED, and started classes on Monday, April 6th. She is very excited, and I can see in her face, and in her emotions, that she is a much more "confident" person today, than she was when I first met her. She feels good about herself, and knows that she is able to help provide for her family, and now, she is working toward yet another goal, obtaining her GED.