Weatherization Program
What is Weatherization?
Weatherization, also known as weatherproofing or winterization, is the process of protecting a home from the elements.
Weatherization reduces energy costs for low-income families by improving the efficiency of their homes. This energy assistance program comes at no cost to the families.
Weatherization services may include:
- Attic insulation and sidewall insulation
- Air sealing
- Furnace replacement and/or water heater replacement
- Minor repairs that assist with energy efficiency (such as door repairs)
- Health and safety measures
Am I Eligible for Weatherization?
If you meet at least one of the following requirements, you qualify for weatherization.
- Qualified for LIHEAP (Heat Assistance)
- Receive SSI (regardless of income)
- Percent of poverty is below 200%
Weatherization Eligibility Chart
200% of Poverty (April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024)
Size of Household | Annual Gross Income |
1 | $29,160 |
2 | $39,440 |
3 | $49,720 |
4 | $60,000 |
5 | $70,280 |
6 | $80,560 |
7 | $90,840 |
8 | $101,120 |
What Happens After I'm Determined Eligible for Weatherization Assistance?
Data from your previous year’s LIHEAP application or weatherization application is used to determine your priority within your county. The State of Iowa requires weatherization programs to follow the priority list for each county and serve the highest priority number first. Therefore, you may qualify for weatherization, but you may not receive it because of your position on the county priority list.
In 2023...
- 39 homes weatherized
- 24 furnaces installed
- 20 water heaters installed
- 55 smoke alarms installed
- 97 carbon monoxide alarms installed
- 6 LP (liquified petroleum) alarms installed
To apply for LIHEAP or Weatherization, visit your local Family Development Center
For more information, read our weatherization brochure
You may contact the following staff for more information
Keith Weber, Energy Director
Jenni Schlichte, Weatherization Assistant -