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Integrated Provider Network (IPN)

New Opportunities provides IPN Problem Gambling and Substance Misuse Prevention Services in Audubon, Carroll, Greene, Guthrie, and Sac Counties addressing the priority areas of: Alcohol, Marijuana, Prescription Medications, Problem Gambling, and Tobacco.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Substance Use and Problem Gambling Services Integrated Provider Network (IPN) is a statewide, community-based, resiliency- and recovery-oriented system of care for substance use and problem gambling services (prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support).  

The IPN brings together three previously separate service systems: Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Use Disorder Treatment, and Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment, as directed in legislation beginning in 2009. IPN services are funded by the State General Fund appropriation to IDPH for substance use and problem gambling services and the SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant.

At a minimum, contractors must provide Prevention Services that comply with the Institute of Medicine Prevention Classifications, the Strategic Prevention Framework, and the six SAMHSA Prevention Service Categories, described below.

Information Dissemination - provides knowledge and increases awareness of the nature and extent of alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and addiction, as well as their effects on individuals, families, and communities. It also provides knowledge and increases awareness of available prevention and treatment programs and services.

Education - builds skills through structured learning processes. Critical life and social skills include decision making, peer resistance, coping with stress, problem solving, interpersonal communication, and systematic and judgmental capabilities. 

  • Prime for Life – Universal
  • LifeSkills

Alternative - provide opportunities for target populations to participate in activities that exclude alcohol and other drugs. The purpose is to discourage use of alcohol and other drugs by providing alternative, healthy activities.

Problem Identification and Referral - aims to identify individuals who have indulged in illegal or age-inappropriate use of tobacco or alcohol and individuals who have indulged in the first use of illicit drugs. The goal is to assess if their behavior can be reversed through education. This strategy does not include any activity designed to determine if a person is in need of treatment.

Community-Based Process - provides ongoing networking activities and technical assistance to community groups or agencies. It encompasses neighborhood-based, grassroots empowerment models using action planning and collaborative systems planning.

  • Community Coalitions

Environmental - establishes or changes written and unwritten community standards, codes, and attitudes. Its intent is to influence the general population's use of alcohol and other drugs.

  • Drug Free Workplace policy


Contractors plan and provide Prevention Services in coordination with stakeholders and provide Prevention Services that address the lifespan, with evidence-based programs appropriate to different persons and populations.

Implementation of this project is prescriptive and must also align with community assessment information.  The assessment process is currently underway.

Prevention Specialist time must be allocated:

  • 25% for Capacity

  • 25% for Planning

  • 50% of time for additional prevention services

    • This time must follow the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Prevention Strategies Formula:

      • Alternative Activities - 2-5%

      • Community-Based Process - 15-20%

      • Education - 25-30%

      • Environmental - 20-25%

      • Information Dissemination - 10-15%

      • Problem Identification & Referral - 2-5%


New Opportunities, Inc. is part of the IDPH Integrated Provider Network, with services funded by the Iowa Department of Public Health and the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

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