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Community Gardens

Carroll County Community GardensCarroll County Community Gardens

2022 Community Garden Rules

2022 Community Garden Registration

Community Gardens Plot Map

Volunteers Needed! New Opportunities is looking for volunteers to mow the Community Gardens with the Community Garden mower. Please contact Paige Schultz at if you are willing to take one week each month to help mow. Thank You!

Date News
May 1, 2024

Water turned on at Community Gardens.

April 15, 2024
  It is time to Garden! The plots have been tilled (Big thanks to Dr. Fangman for volunteering to till the plots!). The plot numbers, the hoses, and the water will be turned on soon. Some plots may need additional tilling by hand or additional hired tilling.
May 26, 2020 We have ONE garden plot available still for the summer of 2020. Please contact RoAnn Kofron at the New Opportunities Carroll Family Development Center to sign up for the last plot! 712-792-9266
April 16, 2020 Garden plots are available for the summer of 2020. Please contact RoAnn Kofron at the New Opportunities Carroll Family Development Center to sign up for a plot! 712-792-9266
April 3, 2020 It is time to Garden! The plots have been tilled (Big thanks to Dr. Fangman for volunteering to till the plots!). The plot numbers, the hoses, and the water will be turned on soon. We have a few open plots, please let us know if you are interested in switching plots as some plots do not allow for good tilling by our volunteer. Some plots may need additional tilling by hand or additional hired tilling.
March 6, 2020

Get ready for Gardening in 2020 at the Carroll Community Gardens! Returning Gardeners, look for your registration packet in the mail after March 16th, 2020. Registrations, along with the $25 plot fee payable to New Opportunities, are due April 17, 2020. All garden plots not reserved by April 17th, 2020 will be open to those on the waiting list. Currently, we do have a handful of open plots, so contact RoAnn to get signed up. Thanks and we look forward to a great gardening season!

April 26, 2019 Garden plots are available for the summer of 2019. Please contact Kristina Grossman at the New Opportunities Carroll Family Development Center to sign up for a plot! 712-792-9266
April 26, 2018 Garden plots are available for the summer of 2018. Please contact Kristina Grossman at the New Opportunities Carroll Family Development Center to sign up for a plot! 712-792-9266
April 24, 2017

It is time to Garden! The plots have been tilled (Big thanks to Dr. Fangman for volunteering to till the plots!), the plot numbers are out, the hoses are out and the water is on! We have a few open plots, please let us know if you are interested in switching plots as some plots do not allow for good tilling by our volunteer. Some plots may need additional tilling by hand or additional hired tilling.

September 30, 2016 Water will be shut off.
September 21, 2016

The dumpster is available at the Community Garden along with carts to  transport and dispose of all garden waste. The dumpster will be available until October 7th, 2015.  

We appreciate your help in fully cleaning up your garden space to help the volunteers out and keep the garden plot fees minimal in the future. Please do so by October 7th.   Thank you!

April 19, 2016 Water Meter installed
April 4, 2016 Garden plots are tilled and plot numbers are in place.
April 29, 2015

Thank you to the volunteers for re-tilling the gardens! The plots that were not planted were re-tilled tonight. 3 - 4 plots were very wet and thus did not till up very good due to poor drainage. The plot numbers are back in place.

Other updates include the gardens were mowed, all hoses were fixed and flowers were planted in front of the sign.

Countless hours have been put into the gardens this spring and now it is up to mother nature to see how the gardens will do. Good Luck Gardeners and enjoy the spring!

April 27, 2015 New Opportunities is attempting to have the unplanted gardens re-tilled this Wednesday/Thursday. The plots were tilled on March 30th but due to the weather some are not ideal for planting. Thank you for your patience.
April 2, 2015 Please take note, we have renumbered the plots at the gardens to go in numerical order. Do not be alarmed if you have a different plot number, it is still the same plot. Thank You. Please see the 2015 Current Plot Map for the new numbering.
March 30, 2015 The plots have been tilled!!
March 2, 2015 Get Ready for Gardening in 2015 at the Carroll Community Gardens! Returning Gardeners, look for your registration packet in the mail by March 14th, 2015. Registrations, along with the $25 plot fee payable to New Opportunities, are due April 14, 2015. All garden plots not reserved by April 14th, 2015 will be open to those on the waiting list. Thanks and we look forward to a great gardening season!
Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear Carroll Community Gardeners,

The end of the growing season is near. We hope you had a productive season!

It’s now time for the end-of-season garden chores. The water is shut off and the hoses have been removed and stored.

A dumpster has been provided to help assist in cleaning up your plot. The dumpster will be available until October 20. Please do not throw any metal cages or trash in the wagon, only plant and weed debris. Please make sure your plots are cleaned and all trellises, fences, cages, stakes, etc. have been removed by October 20, 2014 as plots will be tilled after that.  If you plan to keep the plot for next year and would not like your plot tilled for any reason, please let us know prior to October 20th.

We ask that you please take the time to fill out the survey we have provided. We strive to make the Community Gardens an enjoyable experience and welcome your feedback. Click here to fill out the survey online.

We will be sending out letters in the spring of 2015 to determine who would like to keep their plots from 2014. Thank you for a great year and we look forward to next spring!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The dumpster is now available at the Community Garden along with carts to  transport and dispose of all garden waste. The dumpster will be available until October 15th, 2014.

We appreciate your help in fully cleaning up your garden space to help the volunteers out and keep the garden plot fees minimal in the future. Please do so by October 15th. Please see above a garden plot cleaned and ready for tilling. Thank you!

Garden Waste Dumpster Garden Space
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The gardens look great!! We are very fortunate for the great volunteers that help us keep the gardens running at a very reasonable rate! Please help us in keeping their job to a minimum (and as always, if you are interested in volunteering let us know).

A few announcements:

  1. We are thankful to our volunteer mowers, please check your plots to make sure all of your luscious plants are inside your garden. We hate to see them mowed off:(
  2. When pulling weeds or any other debris from your garden(s), please kindly take it with you to dispose of at your home.
  3. As we are very thankful for the rain on our gardens, the pathways are not as appreciative. Please do not drive on the pathways when very wet, this causes ruts which creates a tremendous amount of work for the volunteers of the gardens. Thank you for being mindful!
  4. Extra Produce? We have low-income families and elderly on fixed incomes that would greatly appreciate your extra produce! Just gently drop them in the donation door right on the side of the shed at the Community Gardens. New Opportunities staff check the boxes daily. 

Happy Gardening and Thank you!

Friday, June 13, 2014 Please join us for the Chamber Coffee at the Community Gardens, 8:00 am - 9:00 am.
Monday, April 21, 2014
  1. The gardens are tilled - check 
  2. The plot signs are posted - check 
  3. Time to start planting!! - check 



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