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Early Head Start

The Early Head Start program is a comprehensive child development program for low-income children ages 0-3 and pregnant mothers. This federally-funded early learning program is free for eligible low-income families.

Early Head Start provides a variety of child-centered, individualized services. These services fall in the areas of education, nutrition, and social services for children, as well as physical health, including health services and dental services, and emotional health, including mental health.

The goal of the Early Head Start program is to build school readiness skills in low-income children and to promote positive parent-child relationships. Parental participation is an essential part of the Early Head Start program, and parental involvement is expected as part of enrollment requirements.

There are two types of Early Head Start programs: Home-Based and Center-Based. Both the home-based and center-based programs include active learning experiences, nutritious food experiences, health and dental services, parent involvement, and services for children with disabilities.

Home-Based ProgramEarly Head Start Program - New Opportunities

The home-based Early Head Start program is available for eligible residents in Carroll, Dallas, Greene, and Guthrie Counties.

The home-based program meets Head Start standards and includes active learning experiences, nutritious food experiences, health and dental services, parent involvement, and services for children with disabilities. Additionally, the home-based program includes weekly home visits and two parent and child socializations per month.

Contact a New Opportunities office near you to enroll or get more information.


Carroll County: 712-830-3028

Greene County: 515-313-3900

Southern Dallas & Guthrie Counties: 712-830-8583

Northern Dallas County: 515-465-8106 or 515-313-3900

Early Head Start Program - New Opportunities  Early Head Start Program - New Opportunities  Early Head Start Program - New Opportunities

Center-Based Program

The center-based Early Head Start program is available for eligible residents in Audubon, Calhoun, Carroll, Dallas, Greene, Guthrie, and Sac Counties.

Childcare centers are located in Caroll, Iowa, and Perry, Iowa, and offer active learning experiences, nutritious food experiences, health and dental services, parent involvement, and services for children with disabilities. Additionally, the center-based program includes full-day classes.

Contact a New Opportunities office near you to enroll or get more information about a Head Start near you.


Carroll Location: 712-830-3028

Perry Location: 1-800-642-6330

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